
There are many benefits of becoming a member of White Hats Winnipeg! Most importantly, you are part of a collaborative effort to improve Cybersecurity for all. We do this through multiple projects conducted year-round. You can work with your colleagues in I.T. and Security to develop best practices and recommendations to help anyone protect against malware, viruses, ransomware, etc. You will have a chance to bring your environment's problems to the White Hats Winnipeg Team and we can work on the problems together.

"None of us are as smart as all of us." - Kenneth Blanchard

In addtion to collaboration and learning activities, participating in White Hats Winnipeg is an excellent experience and resume-building opportunity. Employers want to know that you are passionate about Cybersecurity and you have the ambition and ability to work with others.

Proposed Membership cost will be $20 per year, but currently membership is $0...yes free membership currently!

Membership will get you:
- White Hats Winnipeg Picture ID Card
- Nomination and Voting Rights for all elected positions in White Hats Winnipeg
- An electronic copy of "The Guide", published once a year. This is a collection of all research, best practices and recommendations.
- Admission to all Meetings and Content Presentations by Vendors and Industry Experts
- Authorization to participate in any Projects where the Collaboration Manager has recruited you for help.
After a year of membership, if you are a member in good standing, you will be eligible to upgrade your membership from Member to Collaboration Manager. As a Collaboration Manager you will be able to initiate and manage research projects for White Hats Winnipeg. There's no limit to the number of projects you can work on.

The completed projects will be submitted for review by the group. Upon approval that work will be added to the White Hats Winnipeg repository of documents, and made avaialble for all other members.

This type of activity will look great on your resume, as well as give you practical experience in managing collaboration activities. You will have support from the rest of the group in these efforts, remember we're all here to help each other! After a year as a Collaboration Manager, you will be eligible to be nominated to Vice President positions. Our Elections happen once a year, as a member you have nomination and voting rights. The Vice President positions are:
- Vice President of Membership
- Vice President of Accounting and Finance
- Vice President of Vendor Relations
- Vice President of Marketing and Events

If you have completed a year as a Vice President, you are eligible for the position of President of White Hats Winnipeg.

All of the above information is detailed in the White Hats Winnipeg Membership Guide. Contact us to find out more!!